
Friday, 20 December 2013

تحميل CSI SAP2000 V15 الإنجليزية [+ المنشط] [32 بت - 64 بت] مجاني - 2 روابط

أصدرت عام 2011 CSI شركة الإصدار 15 من هذا البرنامج المعروف SAP2000 التصميم الهيكلي والحساب:

هذا الإصدار يوفر واجهة أكثر جاذبية من الإصدار السابق (14):
- نسبة السرعة العالي: يستغرق وقتا أقل لتحميل، والتكبير، التحديث، الخ
... من الأفضل أن تبقى محدثة !
- نظام التشغيل: ويندوز XP SP3، ويندوز فيستا SP1، ويندوز 7 (32 بت أو 64 بت)
- تحميل يشمل مولد RF (generator.bat) وملف نصي مع تعليمات لcrakear

حجم 650 ميغابايت (مجزأة إلى أجزاء 2 ينرر):

التحميل بعد اتبع الخطوات التالية:
بعد تحميل وصلات، وذلك مع ضغط ينرر (كلمة المرور: FREE) الحصول على ملف "RPTS.S2K" ...... يغيروا اسم 
والإرشاد ل"" وبالتالي الحصول على مجلد مضغوط في الرمز البريدي .... وضغط وسوف كسب "RPTS"
المجلد (مثل تغيير اسم المجلد إلى "V15 SAP2000")
- وعلى استعداد ..... هذا "RPTS" أو مجلد "V15 SAP2000" أو ما تريد أن يدعوه الكامل هو المجلد المثبت
SAP2000 V15 من الحظ .....!
آسف للالإفراط في تغيير اسم، وتمديد، وكلمات السر، الخ .... هو للخوادم التي لم تكتشف SAP2000 V15 المثبت إذا كان   يكتشف الحذف لمخالفته حقوق التأليف والنشر

تنزيلات أخرى .....  

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

download KASPERSKY Antivirus v + Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 - 2014 multi-device [English, spanish] [+ crack activator] 1 link

Kaspersky Anti Virus 2014: It is the development version of the well-known Russian antivirus. Provides essential antivirus technologies for PC, with power protection in the cloud and in real time against the latest malware threats. When operating "behind the scenes" with an intelligent analysis of the virus and small and constant updates, proactively defends your PC against known and emerging threats, without a significant impact on the performance of your PC: The same engine powerful, touch-up design, support for touch screens and a smaller consumption of resources are its main innovations. 

Your PC, a strength: The detection engine Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 is very powerful and provides good results when detect, block and eliminarvirus, Trojans, spyware, keyloggers, rootkits and any other malware.
The real - time protection is optimal: files, web traffic and corresponding electronic are filtered efficiently. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 also includes an anti-phishing module that handles those identifcar and block suspicious senders to distribute malware.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 integrates a self-defense mechanism that detects and gapes files with anónmalo behavior. This is especially useful to detect 0-day vulnerabilities, ie, not yet included in the databases of threats.

The Tools section of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 includes the following tools:
- Vulnerability Scanning: Identifies errors in the system or third party applications. Provides the option to fix errors instantly.
- Kaspersky Rescue Disk: create a CD or USB memory executable. Useful to boot infected computers.
- Windows Troubleshooting: System scans and repairs problems caused by some malware.
- Privacy Cleaner: Clean the navigation system traces, cookies, logs, cache ...
- Browser Configuration: analyzes the Internet Explorer settings and suggests changes to optimize the safety of navigation.

To all this we must add other enhancements , such as support for touch screens.
Nice and very intuitive: The interface Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is notable for its usability. The main window shows visually the PC 's protection status and provides access to the main functions and tools with just a click The default settings of Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is fully valid for most users. For the experts , there is a setup menu with advanced options.
Somewhat high resource consumption: Kaspersky Engine is one of those having a higher detection rate in the market. Specifically, a 9.18 / 10 .
In terms of resource consumption, and although Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is markedly improved, remains high . This is a quality antivirus , but teams indicated for medium to high power .
Powerful and reliable, but no major innovations Antivirus: Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is one of the best antivirus in the market. Following the changes introduced in the latest versions , this edition has been chosen by a continuous line : the motor has just undergone changes and design tweaks , despite having nailed it , are very light .

Kaspersky Inernet Security - Multi device 2014 Le brinda la libertad de disfrutar de Internet en su máximo potencial en una amplia gama de dispositivos. Con solo una licencia podrá configurar fácilmente la protección de sus dispositivos.

-Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (just installed in 32 bits or 64 bits), MAC, Android. 

Size: 470 Mb. Download link on this website:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site)

- Link download this under "kis14.004651.S2K" tittle at the end of the web, uncompressed with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "kis14.004651.S2K" ...... changed its name and extension to " "getting so compressed zip folder .... and will obtain the decompressed folder "kis14.004651". 
- And ready ..... this folder "kis14.004651" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "Kaspersky Antivirus + Internet Secutiry 2014 - Spanish - English" installer ..... lucky!
Sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... is that the servers do not find that the installer of Kaspersky 2014, if you discover what deleted for violating copyright. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

download Adobe PHOTOSHOP CS6 PORTABLE v13.0 Multilingual [English, spanish, portuguese, japanese, italian, french, german] [32 - 64 bits] [Autoactivated] - 1 link

Create images with instant impact PORTABLE Adobe Photoshop CS6, the industry standard in digital imaging software.

The Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6 Extended software delivers the magic of the art imaging, new creative options, and unmatched performance. Retouching and believes more accurately so intuitive 3D graphics, 2D and entire movies using the tools and flows of new and refurbished work.

See top new features in Photoshop CS6 Extended

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

download Microsoft Office 2010 PORTABLE Professional Plus [English] [32 - 64 bits] [Auto Activated] - 1 link

This is the portable version of Office 2010 does not require installing anything, you just have to double click the icon in the folder:
- To open Word 2010, double-click the icon only WINWORD.exe
- To open Excel 2010, just double click the icon EXCEL.exe
- To open Power Point, just double click the icon powerpnt.exe
- To open Access, Publisher, InfoPath, etc., just double click the MSACCESS.exe or INFOPATH_DES respectively Mspub.exe or icon.

Advantages of portable programs:

-Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Pro (like running in 32-bit or 64-bit)

Size: 640 Mb. Download link on this website:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site) 
In this Web, download the parts under title "BACKUPS10-PORT.S2K" , Decompress the part with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "BACKUPS10-PORT.S2K" ...... changed its name and extension to "" getting so compressed zip folder .... and will obtain the decompressed folder "BACKUPS10-PORT" (if you like change the name of the folder to "Office 2010-PORTABLE")
- And presto ..... this folder "BACKUPS10-PORT"" or "Office 2010-PORTABLE" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "Office 2010-PORTABLE English installer" !!
And sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... tide a little ... is for the servers do not find that is Office 2010-PORTABLE installer, if it finds it clears for violating copyright

Friday, 1 November 2013

ダウンロードAdobe PhotoshopのCS6のV13.0多言語ポータブルスペイン語、英語、ポルトガル語、日本語、イタリア語、フランス語、ドイツ語][32から64ビット] [Autoactivado] - 1リンク

更新(14 - 2月 - 2014年)
作成、編集、写真や画像を組み合わせて、マージ - とある場所から別の場所へ仕事を移動する - Adobe PhotoshopのCS6ポータブルからの最新の技術で可能になりました
インストーラやインストールCDを使用する必要はありません。任意のコンピュータ(PC、ラップトップラップトップ)上のAdobe Photoshop CS6ポータブルランはまさに、USBから移動して(PSCS6.exe)プログラムを実行している

のAdobe® Photoshopの® CS6拡張ソフトウェアは、技術の画像、新しい創造的なオプション、および比類のない性能の魔法を提供します。レタッチとより正確に考えているので、直感的な3Dグラフィックス、 2Dおよびツールと新しく改装された作業の流れを使用して、全体の映画。





- 言語:多言語(英語、チェコ語、デンマーク語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、メックススペイン語、日本語、フィンランド語、フランス語、ハンガリー語、イタリア語、韓国語、ノルウェー語、オランダ語、ポーランド語、ポルトガル語、BR、ルーマニア語、ロシア語、スウェーデン語、トルコ語、ウクライナ語、中国SIM 、トラッド中国語)

-オペレーティング システム: Windows XP SP3 には、Windows Vista SP1 は、Windows 7 は、Windows 8
- いいえ、活性化の必要はありません(自動オン)
- サイズ: 120 Mb (1 の部品 winrar のビット) をダウンロードのリンク:
(保護リンク有料広告の 5 秒。「スキップこの広告」または「スキップ広告」をクリックし、Web からのダウンロードにつながる)

-"TEMPS10-PORTMULTIL.S2K タイトルの下のものは 4 のリンクのダウンロードします。S2K"でこのようなウェブサイトの解凍 winrar ので (FREE) ファイルを取得 ' TEMPS10-PORTMULTIL.S2K」... 名前を変更し、圧縮フォルダーを取得する拡張 to""thus zip 形式. それを解凍し、"TEMPS10-PORTMULTIL"フォルダーを取得します (フォルダーの名前を変更するような場合は「Photoshop CS6 Portable")
- と準備ができて... このフォルダー"TEMPS10-PORTMULTIL"または「Photoshop CS6 Portable ト」または彼らはそれを呼び出すように、完全なフォルダー インストーラー AutoCAD 2014 - 32-ビット. 幸運!
過剰の名前、拡張子、キーの変更のため申し訳ありませんが、サーバーいないを検出することができますなど入っているインストーラー Photoshop CS6 portable 年のそれそれは著作権に違反しているをクリアが検出された場合

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

download Microsoft WINDOWS 8.1 PRO + Media Center [English, Spanish, multi-languaje] [32 / 64 bits 1 ISO] [+ KMS pico / microsoft Toolkit]

UPDATED (24 - August - 2014)
We announced the version of Windows 8.1 PRO, which we call Windows 8 Developer. Windows 8.1 PRO is designed to give great value to all users, from consumers to small and large businesses. And I take this opportunity to emphasize the improvements we have made in the product for our business customers.

Windows 8.1 PRO is excellent for business customers because it delivers the experience that people like and enterprise-level capabilities that an IT department needs to ensure that their applications and data are well managed and safe:
Windows 8.1 PRO is Windows redesigned, from the chipset to the user experience. This means that Windows 8.1 PRO will deliver devices and user experiences that will come to love. With support for both Intel and ARM chipsets, Windows 8.1 PRO is perfectly designed for a wide range of hardware from the thin tablets with touch screen (touch) and Ultrabooks laptops to large and powerful all in one devices (All-in -one)
With Windows 8.1 PRO tablet, users will experience "without limitation". Windows 8.1 PRO delivers a tactile experience ("touch-first") as well as with full support for keyboard and mouse.
Windows 8.1 PRO reduces the amount of memory and the energy it needs, and Windows 8 will operate on an ARM chipset with a new design of power consumption mode "Connected Standby" (standby mode connected), similar to how use a mobile phone today.
Windows 8.1 PRO will help people stay productive by ensuring corporate security standards as these are becoming more mobile. An important improvement of the system is the ability to run Windows 8.1 PRO from a USB device. With Windows 8.1 PRO, you can put your full corporate computer to a USB device and be able to work from it safely by simply connecting to any PC.
Windows 8.1 PRO offers improvements to the system's capabilities to deliver with Windows 7 such as DirectAccess, BranchCache and support for Mobile Broadband, which makes Windows 8.1 PRO easier to deploy and manage - giving the potential to improve productivity and save costs in their business.
With Windows 8.1 PRO continue to offer features that improve safety and reliability of the systems in your organization. Features that validate the integrity of the system startup (boot), improvements to BitLocker that can encrypt faster disks, or features that ensure that data is available only to those who should have access to this data.
Windows 8.1 PRO improves support for Virtualization, and provide a better user experience when working on a stage VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure). In addition, Windows 8.1 PRO is the first Windows Client Operating System to include Hyper-V.
Las Apps son en el centro de la experiencia de Windows 8.
Are alive with activity and vibrant content. Users will be immersed in "apps" style "Metro", with which can focus on content rather than the operating system itself. Windows 8 offers a new range of opportunities for their developers. We've made ​​it easy for them to develop rich applications using more software languages​​. Developers will also be able to deliver unified applications for both the PC, the mobile phone to the browser. With one click, users can switch between the "apps" style "Metro" and desktop applications today use Windows 7.

You can rest assured that the investment you made with Windows 7 will be utilized to carry Windows 8.1 PRO and be sure that their migration to Windows 7 Enterprise is the best way to Windows 8.1 PRO.
Le animo a que descargue  Windows 8 Consumer Preview para que experimente de primera mano la movilidad, el desempeño y las características de seguridad que su negocio necesitan.
Sus equipos de trabajo debieran de revisar la Guía de Producto para Empresas de Windows 8 Consumer Preview.
Así como nuestro Website con información y recursos para Profesionales de IT de Windows 8.
I am excited about the benefits that Windows 8.1 PRO will bring to end users, IT organizations and their developers, and we'd love to give them full information of the capabilities it can offer for their business. Your account team Microsoft will soon contact you to arrange an appointment to introduce you and your team a briefing of Windows 8.1 PRO. We appreciate the feedback you can give us and hope to have the opportunity to share information first-hand Windows 8.1 PRO his entire management team.

Thanks for your support and look forward to hear from you.

COO, Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 USA 

-Language: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian.
-- Download includes 2 activators as an alternative:  "KMSpico.v9.3.1.290614_setup.exe" and "Microsoft Toolkit_v2.5.exe" + Text file with instructions for permanent activation!

-Processor 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher.  2GB  RAM or higher.
-Space available in 20 GB hard drive.  DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher.

Size: 2.65 Gb (32 bits) fragmented into 6 parts winrar; and 3.55 Gb (64 bits) fragmented into 7 parts winrar. The Download Links in this web:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site) 
Windows 8.1 Pro - 32 bits
-In this Web, download the 6 parts that are under the title "EXPORT32.S2K" (510 Mb each part ... patience!)  Decompress the parts with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "EXPORT32.S2K"...... changed its name and extension to "" getting so compressed zip folder .... the unzipped folder and will gain the folder "EXPORT32" (if you like change the name of the folder to "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - X86")
- And presto ..... this folder "EXPORT32" or "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - X86" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - 32 bits" ..... lucky!
Windows 8.1 Pro - 64 bits
-In this Web, download the 7 parts that are under the title "EXPORT64.S2K" (510 Mb each part ... patience!)  Decompress the parts with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "EXPORT64.S2K"...... changed its name and extension to "" getting so compressed zip folder .... the unzipped folder and will gain the folder "EXPORT64" (if you like change the name of the folder to "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - X64")
- And presto ..... this folder "EXPORT64" or "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - X64" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "WINDOWS 8.1 Pro - 64 bits" ..... lucky!
And sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... tide a little ... is for the servers do not find that is Windows 8.1 PRO Installer, if it finds it clears for violating copyright


Monday, 30 September 2013

download Microsoft WINDOWS 7 FULL SP1 [Spanish, English] [all versions 32 / 64 bits in 1 instalator ISO] [+crack Loader 1.9.7.exe y Remove.wat]

UPDATED (01 - September - 2014)
For slow Internet conexions and situations set time, a compressed version of Windows 7 SP1, faster downloading (also best alternaticva on PCs and laptops low capacity):
- Typically 3.99 Gb size
- Without SP1 (or SP1 can download it later with Windows Automatic Updates)
- Language: Spanish, English, but you can change the system by downloading the other language pack with Windows Automatic Updates)

Download included activators "Loader.exe" y "Remove.wat"

-CPU: Intel Pentium or AMD processor 500Mhz and all subsequent marks
-Memory: 256 MB of RAM.  Free hard disk space: 3GB.  DVD-ROM
Size: 4.05 Gb fragmented into 8 parts winrar. Links in this web:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site) 
- Download the 8 parts that are under the title "DEVELOPED10.S2K " the end of the web (510 Mb each part ... patience!) Meet the 8 parts in a folder and decompress with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "DEVELOPEDS10.S2K"...... changed its name and extension to "" getting so compressed zip folder .... the unzipped folder and will gain the folder "DEVELOPEDS10" (if you like change the name of the folder to "Windows 7")
- And presto ..... this folder "DEVELOPEDS10" or "Windows 7 SP2" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "Windows 7 SP1 Installer" !!
And sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... tide a little ... is for the servers do not find that is Windows 7 Installer, if it finds it clears for violating copyright


Monday, 2 September 2013

download Microsoft OFFICE 2007 ENTERPRISSE Full [English] [AutoActivated] [32 - 64 bits] 1 Link

For some teams that have little capacity or support for many programs, better alternative to Office 2010 may be the older version Office 2007 takes up less hard drive space. This has the following versions Installer to install (just install Windows 32 or 64 bits):
-Word        -Excel         -Power Ponit         -Access         -Publisher         -Info Patch         -Outlook

In low-capacity equipment may choose to install only the necessary module:

Saturday, 31 August 2013

download CD driver's - Printer HP 7500A, free - 1 link

Continually, there are cases where new equipment coming our work centers (PCs, laptops, notebooks, etc.) of which almost always require elaborate print jobs, and require time to install the Drivers and Printer Drivers of such equipment to proceed to impressions. Unfortunately on many occasions do not have to reach the factory CD printer, and such content is difficult to find on the web.
The HP - 7500A offers as main advantages:
- Printing System: refillable cartridges
- Connection: USB cable or wireless (wi fi)
- Maximum print size: A-3 format

-Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7, Windows 8 (installed the same in 32-bit or 64-bit)
-Here is offered the drivers CD contents EPSON printer drivers L355 in a compressed folder:

-Size: 250 Mb in 1 link:

Thursday, 29 August 2013

download AutoCAD 2014 English [32 - 64 bits] [+ Crack keygen] [Autodesk AutoCAD 2014] free

Computer aided design has a name: AutoCAD. This is one of the most widespread and popular among architects, engineers and other designers thanks to professional toolset provides for CAD design, modeling in 2D and 3D structures or creating documentation.

Offers possibilities as far as 2D and 3D design concerns are endless. It is as simple two-dimensional designs compose as create complex three-dimensional models, favored by agile workflow and increased productivity. You can generate documentation of all class models as blueprints, maps and diagrams and work collaboratively in the cloud. 

What's new in the latest version: 
- New support for social networks. Promotes collaboration.
- Active Mapping System designs that connects real-world environments.
- Development and management of documentation optimized.
- 3D associative array: The benefits of AutoCAD are boundless, but one of the most interesting and which can not be overlooked is the associative array in 3D. You can create matrix objects with ease.

Includes CRACK + text file with Activators instructions and key to activate: 

- Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Pro
- Size: 1.85 GB (32 bits) into 4 parts winrar, and 2.08 Gb (64 bits) in 5 parts winrar, download links at:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site) 

AutoCAD 2014 - 32 bits
- Unload the 4 links that are under "FILES1432.S2K" on such website, unpacked everything with winrar (hint: FREE) obtaining the file "FILES1432.S2K" ...... they change the name and extension to "" getting so compressed in zip folder .... the decompressed and will gain the folder "FILES1432" (if you like change the folder name to "AutoCAD 2014-32 bits")
- And ready ..... this folder "FILES1432" or "AutoCAD 2014-32 bits" or whatever you like to call it is the whole folder installer AutoCAD 2014-32 bits ..... lucky!

AutoCAD 2014-  64 bits
- Unload the 5 links that are under "FILES1464.S2K" on such website, unpacked everything with winrar (hint: FREE) obtaining the file "FILES1464.S2K" ...... they change the name and extension to "" getting so compressed in zip folder .... the decompressed and will gain the folder "FILES1464" (if you like change the folder name to "AutoCAD 2014-64 bits")
- And ready ..... this folder "FILES1464" or "AutoCAD 2014-64 bits" or whatever you like to call it is the whole folder installer AutoCAD 2014-64 bits ..... luck!
Sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... is for servers that are not discovered installers AutoCAD 2014, if he finds it clears for violating Copyright