
Friday, 20 December 2013

تحميل CSI SAP2000 V15 الإنجليزية [+ المنشط] [32 بت - 64 بت] مجاني - 2 روابط

أصدرت عام 2011 CSI شركة الإصدار 15 من هذا البرنامج المعروف SAP2000 التصميم الهيكلي والحساب:

هذا الإصدار يوفر واجهة أكثر جاذبية من الإصدار السابق (14):
- نسبة السرعة العالي: يستغرق وقتا أقل لتحميل، والتكبير، التحديث، الخ
... من الأفضل أن تبقى محدثة !
- نظام التشغيل: ويندوز XP SP3، ويندوز فيستا SP1، ويندوز 7 (32 بت أو 64 بت)
- تحميل يشمل مولد RF (generator.bat) وملف نصي مع تعليمات لcrakear

حجم 650 ميغابايت (مجزأة إلى أجزاء 2 ينرر):

التحميل بعد اتبع الخطوات التالية:
بعد تحميل وصلات، وذلك مع ضغط ينرر (كلمة المرور: FREE) الحصول على ملف "RPTS.S2K" ...... يغيروا اسم 
والإرشاد ل"" وبالتالي الحصول على مجلد مضغوط في الرمز البريدي .... وضغط وسوف كسب "RPTS"
المجلد (مثل تغيير اسم المجلد إلى "V15 SAP2000")
- وعلى استعداد ..... هذا "RPTS" أو مجلد "V15 SAP2000" أو ما تريد أن يدعوه الكامل هو المجلد المثبت
SAP2000 V15 من الحظ .....!
آسف للالإفراط في تغيير اسم، وتمديد، وكلمات السر، الخ .... هو للخوادم التي لم تكتشف SAP2000 V15 المثبت إذا كان   يكتشف الحذف لمخالفته حقوق التأليف والنشر

تنزيلات أخرى .....  

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

download KASPERSKY Antivirus v + Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 - 2014 multi-device [English, spanish] [+ crack activator] 1 link

Kaspersky Anti Virus 2014: It is the development version of the well-known Russian antivirus. Provides essential antivirus technologies for PC, with power protection in the cloud and in real time against the latest malware threats. When operating "behind the scenes" with an intelligent analysis of the virus and small and constant updates, proactively defends your PC against known and emerging threats, without a significant impact on the performance of your PC: The same engine powerful, touch-up design, support for touch screens and a smaller consumption of resources are its main innovations. 

Your PC, a strength: The detection engine Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 is very powerful and provides good results when detect, block and eliminarvirus, Trojans, spyware, keyloggers, rootkits and any other malware.
The real - time protection is optimal: files, web traffic and corresponding electronic are filtered efficiently. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 also includes an anti-phishing module that handles those identifcar and block suspicious senders to distribute malware.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 integrates a self-defense mechanism that detects and gapes files with anónmalo behavior. This is especially useful to detect 0-day vulnerabilities, ie, not yet included in the databases of threats.

The Tools section of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 includes the following tools:
- Vulnerability Scanning: Identifies errors in the system or third party applications. Provides the option to fix errors instantly.
- Kaspersky Rescue Disk: create a CD or USB memory executable. Useful to boot infected computers.
- Windows Troubleshooting: System scans and repairs problems caused by some malware.
- Privacy Cleaner: Clean the navigation system traces, cookies, logs, cache ...
- Browser Configuration: analyzes the Internet Explorer settings and suggests changes to optimize the safety of navigation.

To all this we must add other enhancements , such as support for touch screens.
Nice and very intuitive: The interface Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is notable for its usability. The main window shows visually the PC 's protection status and provides access to the main functions and tools with just a click The default settings of Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is fully valid for most users. For the experts , there is a setup menu with advanced options.
Somewhat high resource consumption: Kaspersky Engine is one of those having a higher detection rate in the market. Specifically, a 9.18 / 10 .
In terms of resource consumption, and although Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is markedly improved, remains high . This is a quality antivirus , but teams indicated for medium to high power .
Powerful and reliable, but no major innovations Antivirus: Kaspersky Anti -Virus 2014 is one of the best antivirus in the market. Following the changes introduced in the latest versions , this edition has been chosen by a continuous line : the motor has just undergone changes and design tweaks , despite having nailed it , are very light .

Kaspersky Inernet Security - Multi device 2014 Le brinda la libertad de disfrutar de Internet en su máximo potencial en una amplia gama de dispositivos. Con solo una licencia podrá configurar fácilmente la protección de sus dispositivos.

-Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (just installed in 32 bits or 64 bits), MAC, Android. 

Size: 470 Mb. Download link on this website:
(protected link, advertising load and click "SKIP THIS AD" or "SALTAR PUBLICIDAD" and leads to the download site)

- Link download this under "kis14.004651.S2K" tittle at the end of the web, uncompressed with winrar (key: FREE) to obtain the file "kis14.004651.S2K" ...... changed its name and extension to " "getting so compressed zip folder .... and will obtain the decompressed folder "kis14.004651". 
- And ready ..... this folder "kis14.004651" or as they like to call it is the entire folder "Kaspersky Antivirus + Internet Secutiry 2014 - Spanish - English" installer ..... lucky!
Sorry for the excessiveness of name changes, extensions, passwords, etc .... is that the servers do not find that the installer of Kaspersky 2014, if you discover what deleted for violating copyright. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

download Adobe PHOTOSHOP CS6 PORTABLE v13.0 Multilingual [English, spanish, portuguese, japanese, italian, french, german] [32 - 64 bits] [Autoactivated] - 1 link

Create images with instant impact PORTABLE Adobe Photoshop CS6, the industry standard in digital imaging software.

The Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6 Extended software delivers the magic of the art imaging, new creative options, and unmatched performance. Retouching and believes more accurately so intuitive 3D graphics, 2D and entire movies using the tools and flows of new and refurbished work.

See top new features in Photoshop CS6 Extended